Structure and Panel: Self Supporting Frame and Double Wall Panels
Sheet Material: Galvanized steel
Panel Thickness: 50 mm
Heat and Sound Insulation: Rock Wool
Heating / Cooling Coil: Copper Tube Aluminum Fin
Fan : EC Motor Fan
Heat Recovery: Rotary Heat Recovery
User Panel: C5.1 Programmable Touch-Screen Display
Automation Panel: Built-in Power and Electricity Regulation Panel
Monitoring - Management: with BMS Management
Maximum Air Flow, m³/h: 850
Unit weight, kg: 173
Unit dimensions DxHxU, mm: 1100x527x1650
Filter dimensionsDxHxU,, mm: 550x420x46
Supply Voltage, HE, V: 400
Supply Voltage, HW, V: 230
Maximum operating current, HE, A: 7.3
Maximum operating current, HW, A: 3.3
Maintenance clearance, mm: 400
Sound Level, dB(A): 42